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Choose an exceptional life.. start today!

At one point you just know ... it's time for a change and to trust

Taking steps towards exploring and observing yourself, connecting with a higher wisdom will improve the quality of your daily being and inner satisfaction. As a therapist and entrepreneur, I have experience and knowledge that can help you move closer to yourself, be more aware and feel an inner freedom. Therapy is a natural way to support yourself and your health.

I provide therapy for adults and young people, in Estonian and English. Online sessions are convenient option in addition to face to face meetings.


Specializing in individual and group therapy, counseling

Stress & Trauma

Depression, hard emotions, anger, pain for no reason, insomnia, abuse ...

Feeling & Anxiety

Low self-esteem, eating disorders, persistent fear, difficulty concentrating, health concerns ...

Career counseling

Career choice and its development, linking work life with personal goals, stress-free happy creation ...

Parenting & Children

Tensions in communication, restoring trusting relationship, pregnancy & childbirth ...

Relatioships & Divorce

Grief, problematic relationships, self-esteem and self-value, breakup support ...


Tensions, endurance, challenges, achievements and the right state of mind ...

Online broneerimine
By being aware of yourself and the current moment, you make life an enjoyable experience
Choose an exceptional life
Luxurious Home
Luxury Cruises and Retreats

Uplifting trips where you can expand your understanding and your inner world. When traveling, you free yourself from the constant flow of information and daily activities, you can find a stronger connection with yourself. You discover your depth and true nature. By living in your truth and power, your whole life takes on new meaning.

Private Events and Training

Training sessions for groups or teams, tailored powerful events for your company. We agree on the topics based on your needs and specific situation. By opening the highest level of creation, bringing work and personal life balance, finding true meaning in teamwork and good relationships, we open the door to higher wisdom and inner peace.

Meditation and Conversation evenings

Meditation and discussion circles offer a unique experience for everyone. Each time is different and offers the participants the opportunity to look within themselves, find peace and inspiration, as well as new insights and support for their activities. Come by yourself, with a partner or with a group. We often conduct meditation circles in places of natural beauty.

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For reservations, information or cooperation, please use the contacts below by sending a message or by filling out the form. 

I communicate in both Estonian and English.


+372 511 9593


Estonia: Tabasalu, Harku county

Estonia: Tõstamaa, Pärnu county

Spain: Tenerife

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