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We bring you a unique and exceptional service that brings out the invisible - connects it with what happens in you and your business every day and creates visible solutions and results. You will get answers and solutions to questions such as: Why are there obstacles? What would help to get to the next level? What actually creates and influences your actions? How can I be happy(um) both at work and in my private life? How to be stress-free and healthy? How to ensure stable success for yourself, your team and your company?


Katrin (read more about Katrin HERE) has extraordinary abilities to read energy fields - highlighting what the eye cannot see but affects us at every moment. Terje (read more about Terje HERE) has long-term experience in business and as a therapist - together we have created a comprehensive program combining the best practices of both of us - to ensure real recommendations and solutions for you, your team and your business. ​


Contact us HERE and we will create a personal cooperation plan for you.

Terje ja Katrin

Energy alignment and consulting for companies

Top manager office
Personal energetic work for the company

It is no longer necessary to spend hours in separate therapy rooms - we offer you a comprehensive solution - we connect key persons, company activities, goals and results.
A comprehensive solution that highlights bottlenecks, helps staff to be better both as people and in their work, in team building, to make better decisions and to ensure the desired results! 

Full contact, alignment and goals with business solutions

Gain an edge, gain energetic higher field alignment. Achieve goals and objectives, the nature of which you may not even be aware of. Achieve a state of mind that transcends outdated thought patterns, health concerns, and outdated relationships. Discover the self-confidence of yourself and your team, the true purpose of the company and the success you were created for!

To whom and how?

Suitable for a team of any size, in any field, either in Estonian or English. Counseling is divided into three stages, the first of which involves personal work with key people. In the second stage, we focus on important areas/topics/business solutions of the company. In the third stage, feedback is given/solutions are formulated.

Three stages, at a pace that suits you. 
Stage I - Work with people

Background, i.e. energetic alignment for key individuals 

Key persons meet Katrin online (1-3 times) for up to 1.5 hours

1. Introspection to align personal and family issues

During the meeting, you can get answers on topics that are important to you, support your health, look at all personal or family-related relationships, bring your life direction back into alignment, support movement on the soul path and bring higher-level energies into the body, which also help creativity to move to a new level, resolve repetitive patterns or bottlenecks that cause tension in life. . In summary, the energetic picture will be organized, your daily well-being and energy level will improve, and you will receive support, clarity, answers and directions for your personal functioning.

2. Internal observation to align relations related to the company

How do you support the functioning of the company with your state and energy and the relationships that you could make to support the situation, what are the bottlenecks in co-creating the company with other key people. 

You will get answers to all possible company-related personnel, team, and interpersonal issues. Certainly also the board, how to function most effectively in this community. 

Phase II - Work with the important topics of the company

Physical meeting without time limit, usually 2-4 hours, with Katrin and Terje participating. From the company's side, definitely the customer, i.e. the CEO or the owner, but all key people can also participate together.

You will receive answers and directions to all important topics related to the company's activities, such as: 

Products that have customers and those that don't - what to change, what to offer, etc.

raw material - what is important, what to keep in mind, what to use,

cooperation agreements, cooperation partners,




and running questions to make all directions work together. 

Based on this meeting, if necessary, we can offer next steps both in terms of business solutions and, if desired, activities for the continued support of people. The content and prices of the next steps depend specifically on your needs and the jointly agreed activities. This can include all possible commercial solutions, target search to find new people or involvement of interim experts, bringing together good experts if necessary, offering ongoing support and therapy to team members, etc.

Stage III - Summary and feedback

Key persons meet personally with Katrin online for up to 1.5 hours.

In the light of the big picture and all the new information, it is important to put the focus, align, what to keep in mind in summary, how to move forward, re-examining the questions and bottlenecks, understanding and perceiving one's own place and role in the view of the company's overall picture.

Woman Typing
Never underestimate the power of your state of mind.


The company package can be taken in parts and in a schedule that suits you. Payment is made to the company with an invoice after the activity of each stage. 
Fill out the inquiry form describing your company, team and concerns, and we will contact you within a few days. 

Thank you! Weĺl get back to you during two days

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